You can take new photos and apply the filters immediately from within the app, or adjust your old photos using 100 Cameras’ various effects. You probably have some idea of what to expect from 100 Cameras in 1’s title - it’s a camera app overflowing with quick, easy to use effects to apply to your photos. And there’s always the great fun of just grabbing a rocket launcher and causing mayhem. You’ll commit crimes and run from the cops through a reconstruction of Miami, all on your iPhone. The game packs a story that boasts the involvement of a writer from TV’s The Wire, as well as lots of weapons and vehicles. Gangstar packs 75 different missions that involve driving cars, shooting guns, flying helicopters and a number of other gameplay actions as you fight rival gangs to rescue your little brother. Gameloft’s take on the super-popular Grand Theft Auto series is one of the biggest, most wide-open games on the iOS platform, and right now the price of the game has been hugely reduced down to just a buck. Gangstar: Miami Vindication (iPhone, iPad) $0.99 (was $6.99) Game Center support adds another dimension to your action puzzle-solving gameplay, adding achievements and leaderboards to the whole experiene.

You’ll have to avoid traps and fight off various kinds of enemies along the way. Simple controls make getting around the game’s 35 levels pretty easy.

You’ll work through the side-scrolling puzzle game by flying through vents, switching open doors, and killing and hiding from enemies. On a secret military submarine, you are an alien life form that has escaped confinement and now has to escape scientists and soldiers alike. Up front is Perfect Cell, a pretty side-scrolling puzzle and action game Gameloft’s iOS take on the Grand Theft Auto series and 100 Cameras in 1, an app that includes an insane number of camera effects. Each is just a dollar, and each is worth it. Hit today’s Download Discounts list and get three dollars ready, because you’ll want to capitalize on the extremely low prices on offer for today’s discounted apps.